My relationship with the internet coincides with growing up in the twenty-first century. It's a big part of my life, not only for school but for pleasure like decompressing watching movies and tv shows on the weekend when I have time. I think that growing up in the generation where technology was new was such a unique experience. Not only was it new to our world, but people didn’t know how to navigate it and use it properly. We learned a lot in the last decade and with that comes new technology to learn and adapt to but also for people to want to learn it and use it. Because if this technology isn’t made for a purpose that people are interested in then it won’t be used.
Social media platforms like snapchat came out when I was in middle school and so learning how to use that app at a young age but also use it to its full potential now that I am in college is super interesting. Not only was my generation the first to use it, but also the first to grow up with it and make it into the app that it is today. With that comes Instragram which is the most used app for me. Snapchat is where I talk to my closest friends and then Instagram is where I follow my relatives, friends, my parents friends and other big influencers and my idols. I feel like many people my age use in a similar way.
Social media platforms like snapchat came out when I was in middle school and so learning how to use that app at a young age but also use it to its full potential now that I am in college is super interesting. Not only was my generation the first to use it, but also the first to grow up with it and make it into the app that it is today. With that comes Instragram which is the most used app for me. Snapchat is where I talk to my closest friends and then Instagram is where I follow my relatives, friends, my parents friends and other big influencers and my idols. I feel like many people my age use in a similar way.
Some positives having the internet and technology is that I grew up traveling and moving around due to what was best for my family and our education. We kept moving back and forth between New York City and Vermont and with the available social media platforms and email I was able to still keep in touch with teachers, friends and relatives anywhere I went with service. So that aspect of the internet really helped my long term relationships with friends and I do see that as a big part of my life. Today people are constantly on the move and keeping in touch with people via smartphones is crucial for me. I also see my personal platforms as a log and timestamp of my life, memories I want to look back on and for people to see so they can understand my past and what made me into the person I am today.
Overall I am mostly on apps like Spotify for music; Snapchat and Instagram for social media platforms; Youtube, Netflix and Xfinity for movies and television shows; then there are like Canvas, PioWeb, and MyHealthDU sites for school. With that I feel like Youtube can be called a social media platform for me since I do post videos of my summer reels or travels that I have gone on but since I don’t call myself a creator or an influencer I say that I use it for watching others.