Exploratory Writing 4A

Thinking about gender and how there are boundaries but also blurred edges to what we personally think of gender, the roles gender plays in our societies, how the media portrays gender and then there is our reaction to that. Gender is not only complicated but there are so many aspects to how gender ideas were created in our world that there is a norm to gender and if people don’t follow that ideal, then that creates an unbalance and circumstances that some people won’t accept. So how do we encrypt this term, we have to dig down and look at every aspect where gender comes up and evaluate this term to the best of our abilities.

Then moving forward, what is the body that has a gender but not form where it can think intellectually by itself? The antibody would be interesting because how does one categorize that and where does this antibody find itself in society. It’s not truly accepted if it's part machine but also not a machine we can use because it can think on its own and has human-like capabilities. Navigating this new world will be interesting since we are at the turning point where more robots and antibodies are present in our lives today.

I think that when we start to create antibody machines that have skin, real life facial features, can think for themselves, have mobility and embody what a human does everyday, the evolution of society changes. We have a hard time deciphering if this antibody is a human or not. What capabilities does it have and where will it go? How fast will it evolve and will it be smarter than us to the point where we can not control them? With skin creating this idea that we are trying to make something with potential, trying to make it something alive and real. Where will skin take us and how will the world embrace it? Because skin can unite and divide us. Many living things have skin. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have skin, the cells all have filaments that build on one another to create what us humans call skin. And so while many living things wear skin, there are so many things its used for, how it looks and what the goal of skin does for us. Not only for protection, but to camouflage us, keep us warm, keep our human bodies together, etc.

So in the end, is this glitch taking us humans one at a time. Creating a virus that we pass on to one another through generations. When will it end and being corrupt does that mean that us humans are degrading while these machines that we create become the ideal us? While many of these questions are probably discussed and searched on the internet. What does the world wide web do with this? Because everything evolves we have to keep up and keep learning about new progressions everywhere. We have to be open to understand more and more as time goes on or else we will get lost in the mess of catching up.