Recently in a class we talked about the internet and what that means. I learned about how the internet was started, how we got to create this world wide web but also how influential it is to our daily lives and attacked the government’s around the world. Various topics include talking about how some sites are banned in certain countries because of the topics and controversy it brings but then it limits those people to the data and knowledge that is out there. I think that everyone should have the opportunity to explore the internet. It's a crazy place that we are still discovering with the idea that our data and personal information is not secure and that people have access to our history and basically know who we are. Yes we do create accounts on social media but that is personal data that we decide to share, other things like our email, phone number are supposed to not be shared with hackers and people who want to take advantage of that information. There is only so much people can do to remain ghosts essentially on the web.
With that another few topics I want to explore further is about the Youtube video with Zuboff talking about the Pokemon Go app created by Google but put under a different name. And while that was a smart move, does it change the public's eye on that Google was trying to hide the fact that they were associated with the app? I am not sure and not educated enough to give an answer especially since I dever used the app just knew it was popular. Another point in the AR and VR is still so new and creating games that have those features are super exciting but then again we don’t know the repercussions that fall on us while we use those apps. Today we live in such a mobile and online world that since the pandemic we have to learn remotely and that is the way of life as of right now. We in a sense are promoting this online platforms, schools having us use Google Drive and classroom, using Zoom and canvas, platforms like this to know what we are studying and how that might lead to our futures.
Zuboff also stated that Google home and Amazon Echo have microphones in them, many people are opposed to the fact tey they listen in. One of Amazon's answers is that Echo has to listen for its name, but then what is Amazon using all that other information for? Targeting ads later on in the day?
So in all of these apps, online searches and microphones in our cell phones and home devices like Echo each business profits off of how people use it and then that determines the ads and data that they collect to sell and further predict our lives. In this world, prediction is easy. With millions of users, gathering data and sorting it and knowing what that particular person wants or needs, we just point them in the right direction and they do the rest. And while businesses say they had no part in the purchase, they did predict that, and they apparently had nothing to do with the sales.
Lastly, my thoughts about the video remain with the fact that it was very interesting how google wanted the phone to be cheap so that they could use the data and profit off of that rather than the expense of the phone. I think that was a genius idea and the average everyday person has no idea. I didn’t even know that was the motive, I was just amazed at why the phone was so cheap. But it all makes sense now, Everything has a purpose to serve.
The PDF bringing a personal story about their perspective was interesting due to the fact that the click rate and clicks determine where you lead the servers and data collectors. During reading the first page I thought about my class work versus personal life. What I research versus what I research for classes and what images I use. Because in their data gathering not only do they collect what I like, but also things that are the opposite views of my own and odd things that could lead them in a different direction.
The article also mentions how certain servers allow you to see certain information and go on a limited number of websites to direct you and your opinion and knowledge of certain aspects in life and events going on. This limits the people's outlook on life and the government tailors their ideals to what they seem fit. Like Europe’s GDPR which allows them to search but projects the user I do agree with. But limiting people’s access to information I don’t agree with because I feel like the internet should be accessible to everyone besides the fact that security is a factor.
Both resources also mentioned the story of target ads and how the father knew of the surprise before the daughter told her she was expecting. With that my thoughts lead to if the servers and data are mainstreamed by last name or if the online data collectors know who is related to who. If that is data from devices near one another or not.